

After years and years of walking, sleeping, eating, resting, eating, and doing such and such, Froggy decided it is time to search for wisdom. So he went other long days of walking, sleeping, eating, etc, etc, etc, to find the secret hiding place of the two wise golden Owls.
These owls were legendary among the animal kingdom. They were said to read Socrates and Plato and bunch of other funny folks every day and give advice to stranded souls. With no extra charge.

Eventually, Froggy arrived.
'OJ' he heard.

'Come closer, Frog.' 'Don't be afraid.'

'Greetings to you, wise owls', Froggy said.' I have come with many questions and doubts in my heart.'
'Pray, we know it all already. And I am sorry, but we can't help you.'

'Frog, you must ask the third golden owl.'
'I thought you were only two.'
'We handle only down-to-earth problems, like re-negotiating your mortgage with the squirrel, and how to recognize good mushrooms from bad ones. You need the third owl to answer your questions.'
'Where can I find him?'
'He will come to you in a few days. Be patient.'


PS: The owls are home made ceramics.

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