

After shooting Mischievous Ghost 3D in Vietnam, Cong is on the set of Mischievous Ghost 2


CONG: Cut! Cut! Cut! What is THAT?
ASSISTANT:  It's a frog, boss.
CONG: I can see that, you idiot. What is a frog doing in my ghost movie?Where is my 6.5 feet tall humane actor?
ASSISTANT: He is gone with the lead actress to marry in Las Vegas. We could only hire a frog on such short notice. I thought that with the 3D technique, it would not matter so much.
CONG: Right. Let's see. Shoot it from a different angle. 

    CONG: It's useless. Ok, frog. Let's give it a try while we're at it. Can someone bring a triple cappuccino? Clear the set!

ASSISTANT: Mischievous Ghost 2. Take 2.

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